Somatic Communication: Relational Intelligence in Contact Improvisation
This is a 3.5 day Workshop for Intermediate and Advanced dancers in Contact Improvisation, for movers who are interested in exploring physical communication within tactile relations on spatial and flesh-based levels. The fabric of touch is key to our relational practices in the movement of Contact Improvisation – and for many of us, in the living of life itself. Steeped in somatic communication, this adventure into our movement life begins within ourselves, but moves outwardly, to where selfhood refuses to be stable, set and limiting. Working from a baseline of care, we will explore the almost magical potentials of moving together within time practices that coordinate our unspoken agreements. These alignments can happen faster than conscious decision making. We will learn to hold ourselves “lightly”, move readily, fly and support one another by becoming more than a singular being. Always more than one, we will play within highly creative physical forms that require our fullest being of presence. Expect to gain an experiential vocabulary that informs many states of your embodied relations.