The Desire for Immortality – An Artistic Exploration of the Fear of Life’s Transience – Part 1 Research / Creating / Devising
Wildheart 183 East Road, Wallkill, NY, United StatesFor those ready to graduate from the SME program.
For those ready to graduate from the SME program.
For those ready to graduate from the SME program.
"The Desire For Immortality" is a theatrical summer ritual where you, as the audience, together with the artists and performers, plant many seeds of ideas and stories in the beautiful […]
This Body-Mind Centering® retreat will offer an introduction to the fascial system through the practices of vocalization and contact improvisation. We will explore the principles and qualities of fascia, celebrate the connectivity in our bodies, and unwind myofascial tension.
Every Other Sunday (alternating with the Kingston Jam)
4-5pm Contact Lab
5-6:30 Open Jam
BYO dinner for a studio-floor picnic afterward
Your voice is a valuable thread to the fabric of humanity. At the VOCAL TAPESTRY RETREAT, you'll get to share the music that lives in you, and weave in vocal improvisation practices to add to your treasure trove of self-discovery and creative fulfillment.
I’ll share techniques that I have synthesized from my studies with Bobby McFerrin, Rhiannon, Meredith Monk, Música do Círculo, theater improv, folk music, hip-hop freestyle, sound healing, archetypes, chakras, somatic experiencing, and mindfulness practices.
Immerse yourself in the frequency of your most expansive self, through the voice.
Every Other Sunday (alternating with the Kingston Jam)
4-5pm Contact Lab
5-6:30 Open Jam
BYO dinner for a studio-floor picnic afterward
Cost: Sliding fee suggested at $15- $25 Payable by Venmo or cashNO ONE TURNED AWAY FOR LACK OF FUNDSTo reserve ahead, Venmo @Courtney-Moreno-10 or email [email protected], August 15: Make A DanceChris Black […]
Every Other Sunday (alternating with the Kingston Jam)
4-5pm Contact Lab
5-6:30 Open Jam
BYO dinner for a studio-floor picnic afterward
Cost: Sliding fee suggested at $15- $25 Payable by Venmo or cashNO ONE TURNED AWAY FOR LACK OF FUNDSTo reserve ahead, Venmo @Courtney-Moreno-10 or email [email protected], August 15: Make A DanceChris Black […]
Our organs are vital and alive. They provide us with our sense of self, full-bodiedness, and organic authenticity. Organs are the contents within the skeletal-flesh container and carry on the functions of our internal survival — breathing, nourishment and elimination. Organs are the primary habitats or natural environments of our emotions, aspirations, and the memories of our inner reactions to our personal and social histories. They support our postural tone and our feelings, and give volume to our movement.
9/7 - 9/15/2024 (days off 9/11 & 9/12)
Cost: Sliding fee suggested at $15- $25 Payable by Venmo or cashNO ONE TURNED AWAY FOR LACK OF FUNDSTo reserve ahead, Venmo @Courtney-Moreno-10 or email [email protected], August 15: Make A DanceChris Black […]
a land-based culture hub that incubates new performances, cultivates deep community and hosts transformational events.