Contact Improv Sundays @ WildHeart
Every Other Sunday (alternating with the Kingston Jam)
4-5pm Contact Lab
5-6:30 Open Jam
BYO dinner for a studio-floor picnic afterward
Every Other Sunday (alternating with the Kingston Jam)
4-5pm Contact Lab
5-6:30 Open Jam
BYO dinner for a studio-floor picnic afterward
Cost: Sliding fee suggested at $15- $25 Payable by Venmo or cashNO ONE TURNED AWAY FOR LACK OF FUNDSTo reserve ahead, Venmo @Courtney-Moreno-10 or email morenocourtney@gmail.comThursday, August 15: Make A DanceChris Black […]
Our organs are vital and alive. They provide us with our sense of self, full-bodiedness, and organic authenticity. Organs are the contents within the skeletal-flesh container and carry on the functions of our internal survival — breathing, nourishment and elimination. Organs are the primary habitats or natural environments of our emotions, aspirations, and the memories of our inner reactions to our personal and social histories. They support our postural tone and our feelings, and give volume to our movement.
9/7 - 9/15/2024 (days off 9/11 & 9/12)
Cost: Sliding fee suggested at $15- $25 Payable by Venmo or cashNO ONE TURNED AWAY FOR LACK OF FUNDSTo reserve ahead, Venmo @Courtney-Moreno-10 or email morenocourtney@gmail.comThursday, August 15: Make A DanceChris Black […]
Every Other Sunday (alternating with the Kingston Jam)
4-5pm Contact Lab
5-6:30 Open Jam
BYO dinner for a studio-floor picnic afterward
Fascia provides the tensegrity matrix of the whole body. It wraps around all other structures as one continuous spiraling, multilayered, and multidimensional network of expansive sheaths, enclosed containers and specialized attachments. These specialized attachments are the ligaments. The ligaments set the boundaries of movement between the bones. They coordinate and guide muscular responses by directing the path of movement between the bones and provide specificity, clarity, and efficiency for the alignment and movement of the bones. When all of the ligaments of a joint are actively engaged, the movement of that joint becomes highly specific and is carried effortlessly to surrounding and successive joints. Fascia supports the psychophysical quality of micromovements of condensing and expanding consciousness without specific content within the embracing context of unity. The ligaments support the psychophysical quality of detailed specificity.
9/18 - 9/26/24 (days off 9/22 & 9/23)
Cost: Sliding fee suggested at $15- $25 Payable by Venmo or cashNO ONE TURNED AWAY FOR LACK OF FUNDSTo reserve ahead, Venmo @Courtney-Moreno-10 or email morenocourtney@gmail.comThursday, August 15: Make A DanceChris Black […]
Every Other Sunday (alternating with the Kingston Jam)
4-5pm Contact Lab
5-6:30 Open Jam
BYO dinner for a studio-floor picnic afterward
Biodanza is a form of human development that uses dance, music, movement and ritual to embody the deep humanity we wish to root in our selves and our community. It […]
Join Marya Lowry in this beautiful setting for an exuberant exploration of your Unboundaried Voice. Deepen your connection to your whole Self, your passions, and your ability to express them artfully through your journey from Laughter to Lamentation.
Every Other Sunday (alternating with the Kingston Jam)
4-5pm Contact Lab
5-6:30 Open Jam
BYO dinner for a studio-floor picnic afterward
Connect to your creative spirit at Vocal Tapestry - a safe and fun space to weave together the principles of spontaneous composition, such as rhythm, melody, and dynamics. Each week, we will play games and learn practices that focus on a specific element of vocal improvisation to develop your awareness, skills, and confidence.
a land-based culture hub that incubates new performances, cultivates deep community and hosts transformational events.