The Collaborative Project - a Multi-disciplinary Retreat

Facilitated By: Hanna Satterlee

October 11th - 14th, 2024 CANCELLED

So sorry, this program is CANCELLED

Please join us for one of our other upcoming events!

“The Collaborative Project” retreat fosters artists who are interested in mixed-media collaboration.

Our focus will not be on making the best piece you have ever made, but on working with other interdisciplinary artists to co-create a new performance work in a short but focused amount of time. The retreat cohort will be split into two groups, based on your application answers, to balance the variety of genres represented in each group. You will be told your group’s theme before arriving to help inspire you to pack any materials, equipment or costumes that you are excited to work with! During the retreat, groups will be given generative compositional exercises and prompts for creative sessions. Each artist will begin by creating their own seed idea, which will be workshopped by the collective to determine the best way to fit the pieces into a whole. Your singing solo may become a group piece with a backup chorus. Your dance idea may become transformed by another artist into the set design.

We are joining together to experiment with collaboration, working together, and inspiring one another. This retreat honors inclusivity, cooperation and a dedication to joy. Open to anyone looking to expand, share, and meld their ideas within a collaboratively led creative process.

Bringing your own skills and toolbox, join a cohort of dedicated artists to practice the art of mixed-media collaboration and see what arises! We will spend time both creating solo pieces, as well as working together with new collaborators across the group. Each day will feature an accessible group warm-up, solo and group creative work time, delicious meals, and revitalizing activities. The retreat will culminate in an informal performance for friends and fans on the final day.


Open to artists of all disciplines with an interest in collaboration and performance.

Who is this Retreat for?

Practicing Artists (of all mediums) Open to performance and visual artists, film makers and those interested in developing new forms across disciplines. Specifically for artists who want to bring their solo practice into a collaborative process.


Sample Schedule:

Fri Oct 11
3-5 Arrivals
5 Orientation
6-8 Group Dinner
Session 1

Sat Oct 12
Silent Breakfast- on own
Morning Group Movement Session- optional
Creative Cohort session 2
Group Lunch + Solo Outdoor time/Rest
Creative Cohort session 3
Group Dinner
Bonfire- optional

Sun Oct 13
Silent Breakfast- on own
Morning Group Meditation and Singing- optional
Creative Cohort session 4
Group Lunch + Solo Outdoor time/Rest
Creative Cohort session 5
Group Dinner
FREE NIGHT! (swimming, dance party, etc)

Mon Oct 14
Silent Breakfast- on own
Clean up personal spaces
Final Creative Cohort session
Group Lunch
Clean up public spaces
3-4:30pm Public PRESENTATIONS SHARE OUTS! Cohorts 1 and 2
Departures by 5

“The class environment that Hanna established was probably the most respectful, supportive and focused class setting I have ever witnessed. Hanna had a huge amount of respect toward everyone’s differences and provided activities that everyone can do. There were many accommodations for those who needed them. Hanna has an extremely calming aura that allowed the class to relax and become in tune with their own thoughts and development.”

– Student, Saint Michael’s College

“Hanna is a kind and thoughtful teacher. She fosters an environment of mutual respect and collaboration. I was always encouraged to be vulnerable and take risks.”

– Sam Powers, Musical Theater Artist

“Hanna brings forward what I experience as a rare combination of artistic vision coupled with poised leadership and effective action to manifest those visions into form. In all of our collaborations I have felt seen, recognized and appreciated in what unfolds as a fluid expression of our respective crafts. I recommend without reservation Hanna as both an artist and a leader.”

– Andreas John, Photographer and Film Maker

“Hanna is warm, expressive, and open to diversity in all forms. She is very attentive to what the team needs both individually and as a whole. Her experienced leadership is something to admire.” 

– Melissa Manrique, Theater Artist

About Hanna Satterlee

Hanna Satterlee creates performance experiences and conceptual artworks for stage, site and film. Hanna holds degrees and certifications in dance therapy, psychology, performance, choreography, vinyassa/yin/restorative yoga, non-profit management and arts integration. Hanna shares these passions as an intergenerational educator, interdisciplinary performer + collaborator, experimental curator and event producer.

Hanna holds a double BA in Dance/Psychology with a concentration in Dance Therapy from Goucher College, and a Masters in Interdisciplinary Arts from Goddard College. Since 2006 Hanna has been a dancer in many US companies and collaborative performance groups, has worked internationally as an independent artist, choreographer, and movement and mindfulness teacher, and has received many grants and awards to support her performance, dance film and curatorial work. 

From 2010-15 Hanna served as the Director of Professional Programming & Director of Teen Jazz at the Contemporary Dance & Fitness Studio in Montpelier Vermont, and has been a guest lecturer at Johnson State College and Middlebury College, and adjunct faculty at Vermont Law School, the University of Vermont, Northern Vermont University and currently at Saint Michael’s College.

In May ’17 Hanna founded the Vermont Dance Alliance, and served as the Executive Director through June 2021. Hanna launched ANIMAL Dance in 2022, a performance and production company based in Burlington Vermont. ANIMAL Dance produced the first ever INSTINCT Experimental Dance Festival in 2024, and is working to make it a yearly festival! In continuous conversation as a curator, an educator, a choreographer and a performer, Hanna is as passionate for the form of dance as she is in connecting people to it.

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to consider myself an artist or can I just like art?
This retreat is specifically designed for practicing artists, who have a dedicated relationship to their art form or work professionally at their craft. The fast-paced creative process is best suited for those who come with a deep knowledge of their own personal aesthetic, capabilities, and ways of working.
What if I want to participate in the collaborative creation process, but do not want to perform?
You will have the chance to tell us in your application, as well as tell your group of this boundary. There are still multiple ways to participate (direct, create the set, be the stage manager or sound technician, etc). You and your group will be able to determine this together while working.
I am a part of a collaborative group already, and we want to come together! Is this ok?
This retreat will specifically challenge you to try something new, with other strangers, to emphasize the practice of collaboration. Yes, you will be able to state in your application that you wish to work together with someone(s) you are coming with, but please be prepared to soften your habits, and be open to the inspiration of new ideas, perspectives and ways of working.
Will there be materials there for me to use on site for creation?
We are able to provide craft materials, a sound system, dance spaces, and natural found materials and objects. Participants are encouraged to bring their own equipment (video, photo, set materials, DJ mixers, costumes, etc) for a more robust creative experience.

Retreat Location

WildHeart is located on 46+ beautiful acres in the Hudson Valley. Retreatants will have the option to stay in a single room, double room, dorm, or camping in either our main retreat center or in private two-bedroom cabins. All options have access to shared kitchens and bathrooms. Daily events will take place in the studio, shared common spaces, and outdoors. Retreatants are welcome to enjoy the lawns, walk in the forest, and swim and boat in the lake during their stay! More info about directions and transportation options HERE.

A note on food

We are able to accommodate most diets. We serve meat and dairy daily, and always have vegan and gluten-free options available. If you send us your dietary preferences in advance, we will do our best to make sure there is good food for you at each meal! All living accommodations have access to a full kitchen (separate from the main/commercial kitchen). We will provide breakfast groceries for you to prepare and eat on your own. Lunches and dinners are communal shared meals (participants usually help with prep or clean). Drinks include: coffee and tea, dairy and non-dairy milk, lemon and lime juice for water, red and white wine.



By offering a variety of housing options, and two free BIPOC spots, we hope to make this retreat financially accessible to all! Beyond that, please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need financial assistance to attend:

These prices are all inclusive! You receive all retreat content and facilitation, housing, food and drinks, and access to the land, lake, and studio spaces.

$715 Single-occupancy (private room in a shared house)
$595 Double-occupancy bedroom (per person)
$505 Dorm (for a bed in our spacious 5 person dorm)
$505 Camping (bring your own tent and equipment)
$450 Commuter (meals included)
$999 Support Price (for those who can pay extra to help us build the dream!)

Refund policy

In advance of 2 weeks – full refund (less processing fee)
Within 2 weeks – no refund

BIPOC spots

We are offering 2 free spots for BIPOC folx. Please email to get the registration code for one of these spots.

Covid policy

We highly encourage testing prior to arrival. Masking is optional but not required. Please do not attend events if you are feeling sick of any kind, or showing any COVID or flu like symptoms.

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