Directions to WildHeart


WildHeart is located at 183 East Road, Wallkill, NY 12589 on Schaghticoke and Munsee Lenape ancestral land.

We are in southern Ulster County, on the west side of the Hudson River, about 1.5 hours northwest of NYC.

~15 minutes northwest of Beacon
~15 minutes south of New Paltz
~15 minutes north of Newburgh

 Classes/ Events take place either in the Barn or the Studio (unless otherwise specified).

When you arrive, please park in either of the two parking areas on the right side of the driveway (if by chance there is no space, you can also park at the end of the driveway in front of the Barn).  

The Barn is the big wooden structure at the end of the driveway. The entrance to the barn is through the double doors facing the driveway. 
Please note- There are no bathrooms in the Barn. The nearest bathrooms are located in the Studio just across from the Barn entrance.

The Studio is the second building on the left (when driving in), with the corrugated metal siding. Please enter through the double glass doors facing the Barn (unless otherwise specified).

Public and Long Distance Transportation options

  • Fly into any airport in the NYC area (all will require taking a combination of trains / taxis to get to WildHeart)
  • Fly into Stewart International Airport, SWF (about a 25-minute taxi ride from WildHeart)
  • Amtrak to Poughkeepsie and then a 30-minute taxi ride to WildHeart
  • Metro North NYC to Beacon (Hudson Line) and then a 20-minute taxi ride to WildHeart
  • Metro North NJ “Port Jervis Line” to Salisbury Mills-Cornwall, 25 minute taxi to WildHeart
  • We recommend to search bus routes
  • Trailways Bus runs many times a day from Port Authority NYC to New Palz
  • East/West routes run Greyhound to New Paltz